Pasiv je vrlo aktivan
Pasiv je forma koja se koristi kada se ne želi pomenuti subjekat, tj. vršilac radnje, već se želi istaći samo radnja koja je izvršena nad objektom. Glavna stavka pasiva je glagol biti (to be), koji se menja kroz vremena, posle kog ide prošli particip glavnog glagola.
Dakle, ono što će se menjati, biće oblik glagola biti i to u vremenu u kom je glavni glagol iz aktivne rečenice.
- Present Simple
Active: tell(s) Harry always tells me the truth.
Passive: am/is/are told I am always told the truth.
U ovoj rečenici, Harry je subjekat, koji je nepotreban u pasivnoj rečenici. Stoga, rečenicu počinjemo objektom, glagol će biti u vremenu u kome je glagol u aktivnoj, a finalni,glavni glagol će biti u prošlom participu.
- Past simple
Active: told Harry always told me the truth.
Passive: was/were told I was always told the truth.
- Present perfect
Active: have/has told Harry has always told me the truth.
Passive: have/has been told I have always been told the truth.
- Past perfect
Active: had told Harry had always told me the truth.
Passive had been told I had always been told the truth.
- Present continuous
Active: am/is/are telling Harry is telling me the truth.
Passive: am/is/are being told I am being told the truth.
- Past continuous
Active: was/were telling Harry was always telling me the truth.
Passive: was/were being told I was always being told the truth.
- Future simple
Active: will tell Harry will always tell me the truth.
Passive: will be told I will always be told the truth.
- Future perfect
Active: will have told By tomorrow Harry will have told me the truth.
Passive: will have been told By tomorrow I will have been told the truth.
- Present perfect continuous
Active: has/have been telling Harry has been telling me the truth all the time.
Passive: has/have been being told I have been being told the truth all the tiime.
U svim pomenutim primerima aktivnih i pasivnih rečenica, crvenom bojom su označeni različiti glagolski oblici glagola biti, plavom prošli particip glavnog glagola.
Izbor između aktivne i pasivne rečenice omogućava nam da istu informaciju predstavimo na različite načine.
Active: The flood damaged the house. Passive: The house was damaged by the food.
Ova rečenica je o poplavi i govori o tome Ova rečenica je o kući i govori o tome šta joj se desilo. šta je ona uradila.Stoga se poplava smatra Vršilac radnje je u predloškoj klauzi sa uvodnim by posle vršiocem radnje. glagola.
Kada koristiti pasiv?
- Kada je vršilac radnje nepoznat;
The photos were made in the USA. ( Ne znamo ko je napravio fotografije.)
- Kada je je vršilac radnje nebitan;
A new school will be built in my neighbourhood. ( Nije nam bitno da pomenemo ko je gradi. )
- Kada želimo da izbegnemo odgovornost ili smo namerno neprecizni;
Money has been taken. ( Ne govorimo ko je to uradio.)
- Kada govorimo uopšteno;
Rules are made to be broken. (Ne kaže se ni ko ih je doneo, ni ko ih krši.)
- Kada se govori o naučnom žanru, formalnim izveštajima i radovima;
America was discovered not many centuries ago.
- U formalnom engleskom, posebno u pisanju;
The new computer system is being installed next June.
- U engleskom se često na početku rečenice navodi stara, tj. poznata informacija, a nova na kraj rečenice.
Active: The three dresses made for this wedding contained a flaw. The Import Group in America manufactured the dresses.
Passive: The three dresses made for this wedding contained a flaw. The dresses were manufactured by the Import Group in America.
- Često je mnogo prirodnije da se na početku rečenice nađe subjekat, tj. vršilac radnje, ako rečenica sadrži dug izraz, koji će ići na kraju rečenice.
Active: My sister’s decision to give up her studies and move to London surprised me.
Passive: I was surprised by my sister’s decision to give up her studies and move to London.
Pasivna rečenica je prirodnija i češća nego njena aktivna verzija.
Pasiv se upotrebljava i sa neličnim glagolskim oblicima, kao što su to infinitive i gerund. U tom sličaju obrazac se malo menja.
- Obrazac za pasiv sa glagolskom imenicom(gerund):
Active: My granny enjoyed looking after me when I was a kid.
Passive: I enjoyed being looked after when I was a kid.
U ovom slučaju se posle objekta nalazi glagol u istom vremenu u kom je i u aktivnoj rečenici. Posle njega se koristi oblik BEING, koga prati prošli particip glagolske imenice iz aktivne rečenice.
Kada uporedimo ove dve rečenice, možemo zaključiti da nemaju isto značenje.
Ovaj obrazac će pratiti i drugi glagoli: avoid, consider, delay, deny, describe, imagine, remember, resent. To znači da će se posle ovih glagola koristiti –ing oblik.
Međutim, ukoliko je aktivna rečenica sledećeg obrasca: VERB+OBJECT+-ING , pasivna rečenica će izgledati malo drugačije.
Active: The teacher saw him sending messages in the exam.
Passive: He was seen sending messages in the exam.
Drugi glagoli koji će pratiti ovaj obrazac su: bring, catch, hear, keep, notice, send, show.
- Obrazac za pasiv sa to infinitive:
Active: Her classmates started to respect her when she got an A in Maths.
Passive: She started to be respected (by her classmates) when she got an A in Maths.
Glagoli koji će pratiti ovaj obrzac su: 1) appear, begin, come, continue, seem, tend;
2) agree, aim, attempt, hope, refuse, struggle, try.
Prva grupa glagola ima identično značenje i u aktivu i u pasivu, dok se u drugoj grupi značenje u aktivnoj i pasivnoj rečenici razlikuje.
- Neki glagoli koji prate obrazac object+to-infinitive u aktivnoj rečenici,nemaju pasivni oblik.
Active: Your boss wanted you to be at the meeting.
Passive: You were wanted to be at the meeting. ( incorrect)
Glagoli koji prai ovaj obrazac su: (can’t ) bear, hate, love, need, prefer, like, wish.
Da nam pomisao na pasiv ne bi bila noćna mora treba da zapamtimo najprostiji obrazac za rešavanje ove nepoznate:
i nećemo imati problema.
Osnove engleskog jezika
Učenje engleskog jezika
Brzo učenje engleskog jezika
Kako progovoriti engleski jezik tečno
Vremena u engleskom jeziku
Modalni glagoli u engleskom jeziku
Određeni i neodređeni član u engleskom jeziku
Upotreba pravilnih glagola, prideva i priloga
Učenje prošlog vremena u engleskom
Kako da obogatite svoj vokabular
Indirektni govor – Slaganje vremena
Predlozi za vreme i mesto – Prepositions
Genitiv u engleskom jeziku
Present Continuous Tense – Sadašnje trajno vreme
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